Student Academics For Academic Freedom (SAFAF)


Student Academics For Academic Freedom (SAFAF) was formed in May 2024. Membership is open to all students in the UK and Ireland who are committed to defending free speech and academic freedom.

SAFAF is a non-partisan group of students within the AFAF network. Membership is open to all students whatever their subject specialism or political views. We only ask potential members to sign the AFAF Statement of Academic Freedom.

SAFAF members write regularly for the SAFAF Substack In a recent post, Jaiden Long (QMUL) discussed why Bridget Phillipson’s gutting of the HEFOSA was A Machiavellian betrayal. Jaiden is the convenor of SAFAF.

Contact SAFAF by email: [email protected]

Follow SAFAF on X/Twitter: @StudentAFAF or on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn

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