Movement For a Free Academia

The Movement for a Free Academia is a transnational initiative instigated by scientists based mainly in the Nordic region within the framework of the Nordic Summer University.
The initiative springs from a shared frustration over the existing structures of research as well as a shared yearning of an alternative more compassionate and creative academia. These emotions, we believe, are more or less universal within today’s academia and know no boundaries or national borders. Therefore, the solution and actions taken are also transnational.
The first meeting and initiation of the movement took place at University of Gothenburg in Sweden at the spring symposium “Amo, Ergo Cogito” from 5th – 7th of April 2024. The program and purpose of the symposium can be found here.
Twenty researchers from various disciplines wrote a manifesto and call for an academic system based on an ethics of care.
On the 15th of April 2024 the Gothenburg Manifesto was made public and shared internationally. It can be read and signed on the Movement’s website.